DATA 641-01 - Network Analysis

Spring 2024: Tuesdays/Thursdays 11am -– 12:20 pm, Integrated Science Center, room 0280

Class Resources at GitHub

Course Overview

Networks are everywhere in our lives: networks of friends on social media, the Web, networks of neurons in our brains, etc. It’s amazing that such a simple representation — dots and lines — can capture a variety of relationships, whether simple or complex.

Catalog Description: In this course, we will survey a broad range of fundamental topics in network science, relevant to students from data/computer science and engineering, informatics, business, biology, physics, statistics, social sciences, etc. For example, we will explore the properties of social networks and the key role of hubs, and how directed and weighted networks affect the spread of information and misinformation in social media. These topics are important and useful in many job sectors from marketing to technology, management to design, and from biology to the arts and humanities.

Prerequisites: DATA 301 OR MATH 351/352 OR MATH 451/452.


DATA 445-01 (undergraduate) section:

  • CRN 28112 - Integrated Science Center, room 0280.

DATA 641-01 (graduate) section:

  • CRN 27789 - Integrated Science Center, room 0280.